reading fluency and reading comprehension master course
Master Class Series, 10.5-hours

Course Description
Part 1
Instruction that targets challenging sentence structures is relatively underemphasized in many reading programs. We will identify four potentially confusing types of sentence structures, examine misleading processing strategies, and introduce intervention procedures that can be used to improve readers' comprehension of challenging sentences.
Part 2
This part of the course describes how to perform clinical assessments of grade-level reading fluency and reading comprehension of elementary-aged and adolescent students. It provides information regarding how professionals can conduct a thorough analysis of the student’s reading rate, accuracy, and prosody. It also reviews in detail appropriate text selection for reading fluency and comprehension purposes as well as discusses the type of questions professionals can create based on text content in order to perform a deep assessment of reading comprehension abilities.
Part 3
This part reviews the role of language in the acquisition of reading and explains why children with reading difficulties must be assessed for language deficits. It explains how undetected language deficits can adversely hamper reading interventions causing the students to plateau in their literacy gains. Finally, it offers suggestions regarding which assessments should be considered by parents and professionals for students who exhibit persistent reading difficulties.
Part 4
This part discusses components of effective reading instruction including: phonological awareness (sound manipulation in words), alphabetic principle (sound letter correspondence), orthographic instruction (knowledge of reading/spelling rules), vocabulary instruction, morphological awareness (prefixes, suffixes and word origins), fluency (automaticity, prosody, accuracy and speed, expression, intonation and phrasing), text comprehension and encoding (spelling). It will provide recommendations on how these components can be cohesively integrated in order to improve reading abilities of children with language disorders and learning disabilities.
Part 5
This part reviews the importance of pragmatic language competence for oral language, reading comprehension and written composition purposes. It explains how speech language pathologists can effectively analyze reading and writing related clinical assessment samples for treatment planning purposes.
Part 6
This part provides an overview of popular reading tests and discusses their strengths and limitations with respect to their psychometric properties, testing components, as well as subtest interpretation
CEUs/Hours Offered
CA SLPAHB: 10.5 Self-Study
CMH: 10.5 Self-Study
About the Presenters
Tatyana Elleseff, MA, CCC-SLP
Bio and Disclosures
Richard P. Zipoli, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Bio and Disclosures
Learning Outcomes
Identify four sentence structures that may be challenging for students with language impairments or language learning disabilities.
Explain three misleading processing strategies that can adversely impact readers’ understanding of challenging sentences
Describe five instructional procedures that can enhance readers’ comprehension of complicated sentences
Conduct thorough grade-level assessments of reading fluency and comprehension of elementary-aged and adolescent aged students
Identify the most sensitive standardized language and literacy assessment instruments for students 6-18 years of age
List components of effective reading instruction
Explain how to perform clinical assessments of reading comprehension and written expression with a focus on pragmatic language competence
Discuss discriminant accuracy of select standardized reading tests
Satisfactory Course Completion Requirements
This course must be watched in its entirety. In order to receive the CMH or the CEU certificate, a quiz is required to be completed with 80% success.
5 mins – Disclosures, Introduction
25 mins – Objectives:
identify four sentence structures that may be challenging for students with language impairments or language learning disabilities.
2) explain three misleading processing strategies that can adversely impact readers’ understanding of challenging sentences.
3) describe five instructional procedures that can enhance readers’ comprehension of complicated sentences.
50 mins – Methodology: evidence based procedures and activities to enhance comprehension of complicated sentences
30 mins – Recommendations: considerations for special populations, adverse impact on education
10 mins – Q&A
5 mins – Disclosures, Introduction
25 mins – Objectives:
1.Conduct thorough grade-level assessments of reading fluency and comprehension of elementary-aged and adolescent aged students
2.Appropriately select text complexity based on the students’ grades
3.Calculate reading fluency rates based on the latest reading fluency data (Hasbrouck and Tindal, 2017 ORF Measures)
4.Analyze reading fluency error types for intervention purposes
5.Determine the students’ reading comprehension error types for intervention purposes
20 mins – Methodology: evidence based procedures for the assessment of fluency and comprehension
30 mins – Recommendations: considerations for special populations, adverse impact on education
10 mins – Q&A
5 mins – Disclosures, Introduction
15 mins – Literature Review: previous studies
30 mins – Methodology and Strategies
- Discuss the role of language in the development of literacy.
- Identify risk factors associated with language and literacy disorders
- Describe the value of language assessments for children with confirmed/suspected reading disorders.
- Identify the most sensitive standardized language and literacy assessment instruments for students 6-18 years of age
30 mins – Results and Recommendations
10 mins – Q&A
5 mins – Disclosures, Introduction
25 mins Research review
50 mins Methodology
- List components of effective reading instruction
- Explain how to incorporate components of reading instruction into speech language therapy sessions
41 mins Recommendations, Discussion
List scientific research relevant to reading intervention
15 mins – Disclosures, Introduction
60 mins – objectives
–Identify aspects of pragmatic language competence
–Discuss how pragmatic deficits affect reading comprehension skills
–Describe how pragmatic deficits affect written composition skills
–Explain how to perform clinical assessments of reading comprehension and written expression with a focus on pragmatic language competence
–List examples of effective pragmatic goals for treatment planning purposes
30 mins – Review of recommended methodology and strategies
15 mins – Q&A
5 mins: Introductions and Disclosures
45 mins: Overview of standardized reading tests; discussion of discriminant accuracy of select standardized reading tests
45 mins: Overview of testing components of select, popularly used, standardized tests of reading
45 mins: Instructions on how to interpret standardized testing results in order to understand the client’s profile of reading strengths and limitations
10 mins: Q&A

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